Wednesday, January 23, 2008


went to the YMCA tonight. worked my but off, hopefully literally. i was able to work up to 10 minutes on the elyptical. so far i have only been doing 10 minutes. but tonight, i pushed myself past that and jammed to the music. it's so easier listening to the music. they have little devices on all the cardio machines at the YMCA that you just plug your headphones into and they have 6 different TV's you can listen/watch. i watch/listen to the music TV.

i go to the doctor tomorrow and i will weigh in on their official scales. i haven't weighed myself in a few days, because i know that their scale is more (i think) and i don't want to get bummed out. so i will check in when i know for sure. oh, BTW i am seeing the pyschologist and the surgeon. i think i am doing pretty well. i will know for sure by tomorrow! wish me luck!

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