Friday, November 30, 2007

yea, where have i been?

i have been a little busy the last two weeks getting ready for surgery! i have had lots of different appts at the hospital in getting ready for dec 11th! getting my room and house ready for when i get home, sorting clothes, and cleaning is NOT fun! i am so ready for this surgery, like yesterday. i have made it though all the doc appts except for my last nurtrition class next week and an appt with the surgeon the day before the surgery.

i got a good story for you! yesterday was my 4 hour pre admission testing appt (PATA). seriously, i was asked every possible medical question, poked and prodded, and hooked up to all sorts of machines. craziness! well anyway, i gave the PATA people 13 vials of blood. the tech that administered my EKG and took my blood was so nice. she had a west indies accent and i asked her where she was from and she was so surprised that i picked up on it! she was originally from Trinidad and now works at MGH and loves it. anyway, she was finishing up taking my blood and there was 2 others in this small room getting theirs taken too. she bandaged me up and sent me to give her a urine sample. i came back to the room and i saw a woman laying on the floor. another worker there asked me to go wait in the waiting room. i walked out the doors and everyone waiting looked up at me because behind me there was some yelling for a nurse and go fast and lots of commotion. i had a large mangled bandage on my arm wtih blood soaking through and no purse or coat or paperwork and i just sat in one of the only seats left. everyone was looking at me like what's going on? 10 minutes later they let me come back in and finish up! she only had to give 11 vials, WIMP! i saw lots of different people, but the tech that i first saw, melissa, was so nice and gave me a hug and told me that i had to come back and see her after i have lost all the weight. SO NICE :)

well, it's friday and i am having surgery in 10 days and i still haven't heard from the insurance dept yet. i called my surgical coordinator twice and still haven't heard back from her. that makes me nervous!!!!!

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