Friday, December 28, 2007

old habits

i was so hungry yesterday and started to eat way too fast...almost got sick for the first time. the chicken just sat there. i got a little bit nervous but it eventually slid down. i can't drink or eat anything after i get that feeling because you don't want it to get stuck, so you just have to wait.

sarah and i were at roche bros and i got one of their chicken drumsticks to go with some potato and squash. it was all very good, however, the potato was too thick and the squash was too sweetened. i didn't want to have dumping from the sweetened squash, anything over a certain percentage of sugar per serving will give it to you. everything that i normally would have eaten just a few weeks ago is changed! it's crazy to think!

i feel great physically, just getting tired at the end of the day at my incisions and anchors. i think that next week i am going to start at the YMCA. no situps, pushups, or strenuous activity on my midsection...but something to get my heart rate going!

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

more weight!

as of christmas morning i have lost 30 pounds!

i have noticed little changes in myself. my jeans are not as tight, i can wear a few tops that i couldn't, and my family keeps telling me that i look smaller.

it's really encouraging that the weight is coming off fast, i hope that i can keep it going fast!

i am eating mostly proteins, meat, eggs, etc. i also am constantly trying to keep up with my water intake. trying to push it to 60-80 ounces a day. i am required to do a minimum of 48 ounces but it's better if i drink more.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

things are going...

GREAT! i am losing weight and doing ok emotionally so far. the only downside is that i think i am not getting enough water. i am to constantly drink water or clear liquids all day. when i saw the surgeon on 12-17 she said that i need to drink more than the regular amount because i was losing a little too fast. so i am aiming for about 60-70 ounces a day, but i still feel my heart beating loud and fast and that is a sign of dehydration that the surgeon pointed out to me. so i think that i am going hook up my own IV and that will be that! LOL jk. water, water, and crystal light. i don't mind it, but it can be a lot to have to drink that much in one day. not to mention the amount of time i spend in the bathroom peeing!

Friday, December 21, 2007

a better food day

eating went well today! i had a really good experience for dinner with ricotta, mozzerella, ground beef, and a little bit of spaghetti sauce. so far so good. i will let you know if it stays down! lovely :)

the weight's coming off!

as of monday 12/17/07 i had lost 15 pounds

as of friday 12/21/07 i have lost 26 pounds!!!


i have been a little up and down since coming home from surgery. right now i am doing really well, but there have been some times where i was down because of the food choices i have post op. i told myself that this is a prescription and it's not forever!

with that said, i am not sure eggs are agreeing with me. i am going to try them plain again soon. however, i made this really good egg salad yesterday and i was in the bathroom from 930-11pm and then at 4am and 5am and 6am and 7am. so we'll see!

the ride from hell

so they discharged me at 1:30 ish on thursday the 13th...but we had to wait for transport. and i wanted martha, my nurse, to sign my journal. it ended up being close to 2:30 when i actually left. the snowstorm was in full gear and it took dad and i 6 hours to get from MGH to our home. i am still experiencing PTSD from the trip so that's all i am going to say!!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

my hospital stay

so after surgery i woke up in the recovery room all groggy and it was like nothing had happened! i don't remember waking up at all at any time before that. i am a pretty good sleeper and i think that the anesethia agreed with me! for the next couple of hours i was awoken by a nurse wiping me down and asking me to breath deeply through my nose. every once and a while doctors would come around and try to talk to me and get to wake up. i just remember trying to open my eyes and look around but i couldn't! i was so tired! this lasted about 5 hours until they decided to send me to my room. i don't really remember the transport..i do remember wheeling by my rommate. i vaguely remember seeing my mom, dad, sister, aunt shell, friends lori and bethany. but that's about it. i know my uncle don came in a little later because they announced when he got there. however, i couldn't stay awake. apparently my family told me i was hilarious. snoring and yelling out comments with profanity! the nurse made me get up and walk around and let's just say that getting up of the bed was a struggle! also the wires and tubes coming out were lovely! the nurse was very nice and very attentive. i don't remember much after that. i hit the PCA pump a few times, but i found out the next morning that it wasn't the best thing for me! i woke up a few times during the night but otherwise felt okay.

dr. pratt's fellow stopped by in the morning and told me that i should stop using the pump because i couldn't stay awake and my pupils were pin points. so i stopped using the pain pump and waited it out. they came and got me for my leak test. it was a little crazy. i had to drink a clear bitter liquid followed by 6 ounces of mylanta tasting stuff. and take pictures in between. wait a little bit and then more pictures. the radiologist team was a little crazy and unorganized which gave me a little anxiety.

i went upstairs after that and showered a little and then my mom got there. we waited a while for the leak test to come back and then i was able to start on percocet. much better! my nurse wednesday during the day was martha. she was awesome! couldn't ask for better! she was back thursday day as well. basically the rest of the hospital stay was uneventful with some visitors and walking and lots of sweating! my dad ended up bringing me in a fan because i was sweating so much!

Saturday, December 15, 2007

surgery day!

so here i was, rolling down the halls on a gurney. no jewelry (all my piercings out), OR room hat on, looking so lovely with the extra large hopsital issue johnnie on, and gripping the sides for dear life...the transport team was obviously busy and needed to get me there fast! my day started uneventful with a 415am wake up call. mom and i left here by 445am. we got to MGH at about 540am and headed to check in. we met up with bethany cove on the way to the OR check in suite. they were really organized and my name was called in about 20 minutes. they took me back into this room looking very hospital-like, and assigned me to bed #24. the last bed. there were rows and rows of beds with each having thier own curtain. i was instructed to strip and put on the johnnie. robe and socks were in the bag. you know me, always hot, right? no way i was putting on the socks and robe. well i dressed and sat on the bed and relaxed. people were running around like crazy. so many people everywhere. i filled out some paperwork, took a blood pressure pill (apparently it was a little high! can't imagine why!), and then they sent back bethany and my mom. we chatted for a while, they had to work on taking out my rook ear piercing which i thought i could leave in. my nurse informed me it had to go! it was a struggle! the transport team arrived and asked if i had to go to the bathroom. of course i did. 14 people stopped and asked if i wanted socks or a bathrobe. apparently they are very concerned about your level of comfort at mass general! after i came back, it was bye for now to mom and bethany. as the transport woman pushed my gurney with a speed ideal for a NASCAR race, i started getting butterflies. every door we past through it seemed to get more and more dugeonlike. the hallways were smaller and the ceiling was lower. i started whizzing by OR after OR. now the people down here were all vertical and wearing traditional OR gear. i was soon parked in front of OR #42. MGH's last OR. it looked the oldest. a lot of the OR's there have a room next to them for inductions or holdings. not mine! i was able to be parked right outside the doors and wait for almost an hour while 84 people came and went setting up the OR just for me! i got an IV, met the anesthesiologist who looked 23 years old. thanks god his attendee was right behind him. i met the nurses and the scrub tech. i met dr. pratt's fellow and then dr. pratt arrived. they wheeled me into the OR and had me scoot onto the table. i had to allign myself just so on the table! i was told a few basic things, and they they put an oxygen mask on me to oxygenate me. they told me i would feel fuzzy vision and then that was it. i started feeling fuzzy and that's all that i remember!

surgery prep

i had to do a nasty ass bowel prep for the surgery on tues. so for you who are not so lucky to have had done this before...i will share! i had to start at noon on mon. with taking 3 laxatives. then at 4, 5, and 6 pm i had to drink a tablespoon of the worst tasting phospo-soda mixed with water. apparently that's the stuff that actually makes you pee out of your bum. lovely. let's just say i was all cleaned out by monday evening. ready for surgery!

well wishes

Hey Rachael - So hopefully you check your email today, you probably will, but anyway I just wanted to say Good Luck and that I am praying for you tomorow and through this whole process. I can't believe it's here, and without sounding wierd about this, I am actually so proud of you. I can imagine the strength it requires to do this. So go get em'!!! -bethany toye

Tuesday is your day! Just remember you are on the journey of a lifetime. Try to enjoy every minute. It may sound weird now, but know that you are cared for and prayed for here, and all too soon this will be but a memory and you will be an inspiration to someone else. I am waiting for you on the losers' bench! -judyanne (

hey rach! just wondering how you're doing/feeling. congrats! -katie bolinder sanford

I know you're not going to read this for a while, but good luck today! I'll be thinking of you -amanda collins

Friday, December 14, 2007

quick update about first full day home

just finished with the first full day home and it has been really good! started with the CIB (carnation instant breakfast) for breakfast. condensed tomato soup made with milk for lunch. fat free light raspberry yogurt made with asparatame for dinner. water throughout the whole day. percocets every 5 hours. presecription says 4 if necess. but i can make it to 5 and i don't mind it. but after that 5th hour, oh man! no nausea! i felt soooo full after the yougurt that i was uncomfortablt for a few minutes, but it passed and i knew that i just ate it too fast. i started flinstone's vitamins and tomorrow 2 calcium chews. i will update more about the whole experience when i have more time. it's late now, and i have to get some rest!

i made it.

well, there is lots to tell, that's for sure. i am doing well, but there are some things that i have to to tell you about!! however, i am exhaused and i just wanted to let you know that i am ok and will update later!

thanks :)

Saturday, December 1, 2007


my surgical coordinator called me back yesterday after i called her 42 times regarding my insurance application. she told me that she spoke to her finance dept and they are taking care of it. the guy in charge of my case told her that my ins company only has a 48 turn around time and he wasn't planning on sending it out till monday! i was like, are you serious? all this worrying for nothing? i guess there is still a chance that i don't get approved, but at least i know what's going on! now i can take a deep breath!

Friday, November 30, 2007

yea, where have i been?

i have been a little busy the last two weeks getting ready for surgery! i have had lots of different appts at the hospital in getting ready for dec 11th! getting my room and house ready for when i get home, sorting clothes, and cleaning is NOT fun! i am so ready for this surgery, like yesterday. i have made it though all the doc appts except for my last nurtrition class next week and an appt with the surgeon the day before the surgery.

i got a good story for you! yesterday was my 4 hour pre admission testing appt (PATA). seriously, i was asked every possible medical question, poked and prodded, and hooked up to all sorts of machines. craziness! well anyway, i gave the PATA people 13 vials of blood. the tech that administered my EKG and took my blood was so nice. she had a west indies accent and i asked her where she was from and she was so surprised that i picked up on it! she was originally from Trinidad and now works at MGH and loves it. anyway, she was finishing up taking my blood and there was 2 others in this small room getting theirs taken too. she bandaged me up and sent me to give her a urine sample. i came back to the room and i saw a woman laying on the floor. another worker there asked me to go wait in the waiting room. i walked out the doors and everyone waiting looked up at me because behind me there was some yelling for a nurse and go fast and lots of commotion. i had a large mangled bandage on my arm wtih blood soaking through and no purse or coat or paperwork and i just sat in one of the only seats left. everyone was looking at me like what's going on? 10 minutes later they let me come back in and finish up! she only had to give 11 vials, WIMP! i saw lots of different people, but the tech that i first saw, melissa, was so nice and gave me a hug and told me that i had to come back and see her after i have lost all the weight. SO NICE :)

well, it's friday and i am having surgery in 10 days and i still haven't heard from the insurance dept yet. i called my surgical coordinator twice and still haven't heard back from her. that makes me nervous!!!!!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

cpap update

so i have used the cpap machine for the past week and i have got to say that i enjoy sleeping a lot more lately! i loved sleep like everyone else...however, i never really felt satisfied. it's made such a difference already. i did wake up today with the mask off after hitting my alarm a few times. i really like to sleep on my stomach and it is really hard to do with the mask on. i am sure that when my alarm went off and woke me up that i turned over and took it off. typical rachael doing stuff in her sleep that she is unaware of! (walking, talking, etc) i am looking forward to the nutrition class coming at the end of the month. it's going to be 90 minutes to teach us the first 10 days of eating. what to make, what to have in advance, etc.

until next time...

Saturday, November 10, 2007


my cpap machine right now is my best friend. i love her. i have slept really good for the past two nights that i have used her and it's been so nice! typically people with sleep apnea do not enter into regular cycles of sleep and therefore never really feel rested. they commonly have headaches when they wake up and feel sleepy during the day. i was found to have a severe case of sleep sleep study results found that i stopped breathing an avg of 55 times an hour. so the respiratory therapist came over the other day to set up the machine and show me how to use it. the first night was a little rough getting the mask to fit right and stay on. however last night, second use, was so much better and i woke up rested! it's so weird that i have gone this long without feeling refreshed!!! i will update laster on how the cpap machine is going...

meeting with the doctor...again

so i met with the medical doctor again this past week and we went over all my tests and their results and it went uneventful. i have low iron which i have to start taking supplements for now. i started on my cpap machine thursday (see blog titled cpap for more info). i also have started to stock up on supplies that i will need post op. (protein shakes, sugar free liquids, etc)

it's getting close and i am so excited and not nervous yet...which actually is making me a little bit nervous! LOL

Saturday, November 3, 2007

getting ready

so i am currently cleaning house, literally. i am getting rid of all the crap in my room and throwing away all the stuff that i am not going to need after the surgery. getting excited!!

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

my goals for after this surgery

ride a Roller Coaster
be able to shop anywhere and know they have my size.
Wear a bathing suit with confidence.
feel normal in my own body to improve my self-esteem and social anxieties.
smile when I see a photo of myself
walk up one flight of stairs without getting winded.

benefits of RGB

the benefits of RGB that i hope to gain...

High Blood Pressure can often be alleviated or eliminated by weight loss surgery

High Blood Cholesterol in 80% of patients can be alleviated or eliminated and in as little as 2-3 months post-operatively.

Abnormal Glucose Tolerance, or Borderline Diabetes is even more likely reversed by gastric bypass. Since this condition becomes diabetes in many cases, the operation can frequently prevent diabetes, as well.

Asthma sufferers may find that they have fewer and less severe attacks, or sometimes none at all. When asthma is associated with gastroesophageal reflux disease, it is particularly benefited by gastric bypass.

Sleep Apnea Syndrome sufferers can receive dramatic effects and many within a year or so of surgery find their symptoms were completely gone, and they had even stopped snoring completely!

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease can be greatly relieved of all symptoms within as little as a few days of surgery.

Gallbladder Disease can be surgically handled at the time of the weight loss surgery if your doctor has cause to believe that gallstones are present.

Low Back Pain and Degenerative Disk Disease, and Degenerative Joint Disease can be considerably relieved with weight loss, and greater comfort may experienced even after as few as 25 lost pounds.
Weight loss surgery is a highly personal decision; it is also a medical decision. Your doctor should discuss the risks and help you measure the probability of benefits so that you can make an informed decision

how it works...RGB

if you don't know what RGB is...

Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass (RGB) This operation is the most common and successful combined weight loss surgery in the United States. First, the surgeon creates a small stomach pouch to restrict food intake. Next, a Y-shaped section of the small intestine is attached to the pouch to allow food to bypass the lower stomach, the duodenum (the first segment of the small intestine), and the first portion of the jejunum (the second segment of the small intestine). This reduces the amount of calories and nutrients the body absorbs. Rarely, a cholecystectomy (gall bladder removal) is performed to avoid the gallstones that may result from rapid weight loss. More commonly, patients take medication after the operation to dissolve gallstones.

Advantages of this weight loss surgery: greatly controls food intake, leading to rapid weight loss
dumping syndrome dumping conditions to control intake of sweets reversible in an emergency though this procedure should be thought of as a permanent
Disadvantages of this weight loss surgery: ulcers, narrowing/blockage of the stoma, vomiting if food is not properly chewed or if food is eaten to quickly, weight re-gain is known to happen if dietary changes are not followed long term.

ultrasound/meeting surgeon

i had my ultrasound! after a long and painful hour, they let me go. the tech scanned all the neccessary areas and organs but spent a lot of time on my gallbladder. she went and got the radiologist and the doctor came in and did a scan herself. OMG. she spent over a half an hour looking at my gallbladder asking me to describe the pain. on a scale of 1-10 and scanning every inch of it. i am such a worrier...i knew that they had found a huge ass tumor...but she assured me that this was normal and she just wanted to get a good look at it.

after that i went and got some coffee and read for 2 hours until my appt with the surgeon. i went a little early because i had to get some lab work done checking for the ulcer gene and clotting. i had to wait a little bit to see the surgeon, but it was definitely worth it. dr. pratt was so cool. she was welcoming, encouraging, and really nice. she started by asking me all the medical questions, then she examined me, and then she explained the surgery details with me. she explained the results from my gallbladder ultrasound. she is definitely doing the lap gastric bypass surgery. however, my gallbladder is swollen and filled with stones and it definitely has to come out, but it might not work lapriscopically. so that might have to be open. but definitely lap GB. dr. pratt also said that i need to watch my fat intake because it could need to come out before the gastric bypass is scheduled on 12/11/'s that bad. she welcomed any questions that i had, she was funny, and really knowledgable about all areas of medecine. i am so glad that i waited for her.the scheduler met with me for a few minutes and gave me an idea of what my last few appts will be.

i am just a little nevous about insurance authorization..that's next! i am so happy!

surgery date

so it's official!!!! i am having gastric bypass surgery on dec. 11th!!!! i am having it at MGH in boston, ma and dr. janey pratt is my surgeon. i am so excited!!!

a lil bit more about me

during high school i was active so i was able to maintain a weight of about 260 and was a size 22/24. i went off to college and stopped doing any physical activities so then the weight started piling on. I have slowly gained the weight and now i am up to 340 pounds. i have tried all the diets. i have joined the gyms. i have finally accepted that obesity is a disease like cancer and that i need to treat the disease like cancer and that is agressively!! in 2004 i researched WLS and decided on doing the lap gastric bypass at tufts NEMC in boston. i went through the whole program (about 4 months of intense groups and classes) to learn that i had the worst kind of insurance and that i was denied. i gave up and now i am back! i have different insurance and more determination. look out world, there's about to be a new hottie on the block.